Beck's Electric Outboards
19634 Middletown Rd
Freeland, MD 21053


Ray Electric Outboards, Minn Kota Electric Trolling Motors, Horton Crossbows, Live Bait, Fishing & Hunting Licenses, Black Powder Muzzleloader Supplies, Electric Outboards,

Minn Kota Electric Trolling Motors
Full Line Minn Kota Dealer On The Maryland & Pennsylvania Line
Minn Kota Electric Trolling Motors, Minn Kota Maxxum Bow Mount Motors
Maxxum 101, Maxxum 74, Maxxum 65, Maxxum 44, Maxxum 101H 

Maxxum Bow Mount Motors

Power To Burn—From 44 to an incredible 101 lbs. of thrust, there’s a Maxxum bow-mount motor to suit your need (12 to 36 volts). Maxxum power puts the wind, chop and heavy structure in its place.

Streamlined Foot Pedal — Puts you in complete control. Easy to use and ergonomically-designed for all-day comfort.

Shaft lengths— Available in 42", 52" and 62" (ideal for deep-V hulls...keeps lower unit in the water under the toughest wave conditions).

Indestructible Composite Shaft— Stronger than steel. Flexes on impact. Will not break, kink or corrode.

Overload Sensing Circuitry— Protects your motor from overheating when accidentally engaged.

Rock-Solid Maxxum Mount— The strongest bow-mount system in the world. Go for broke without worrying about breaking down. Stowed, the Maxxum Mount won’t budge, flex or vibrate.

Bowguard 360™ Breakaway— Breaks away on impact from any position. Automatically resets itself for uninterrupted fishing. A Minn Kota exclusive!

Cool Power™—Stays cool under the most demanding conditions to give you greater sustained thrust and motor life.



Enough’s enough. There’s a lot of fish...big fish...where your motor can’t go. Tangled up in weeds. With Minn Kota's bow mount features you can go just about anywhere you want.

By Appointment Only



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